Saturday, 29 June 2013

Camping trip

For one wet night in June, this was our home. We decided to go on our first camping trip with the bys for their half birthday - a while six months old!

The boys we kind enough to remain sleeping in the car during the tent build. This is Sam in a rather fetching Wee-Willie-Winkie esque hat. Fines still in the car. We did soon realise that maybe we should have got the slightly bigger tent after filling it with pushchair, two bumbos, two bassinets for sleeping, our sleeping stuff, chairs, table, and other bits and bobs.

Once we were fully unloaded, it rained. It rained heavily. We went into the farm park in the hope that the rain would subside and we could show the boys some animals but it didn't. So we visited the animal petting area and then got some food to settle in for the night.

Fresh air helps babies sleep! Amazing!

Next day we visited the animals again. Sam and Fin were awake and very interests in the Baas, moos, clucks and quacks around them. Not that you can see that in the pictures.

This day was a lot more successful. I even made a friend. I fed baby lambs and goats and we had a lovely walk over the farm looking at all the animals. Definitely a place for taking young children. There's so much to look and great play areas and open space for little ones to run. Maybe we will retune next year for their 18 month birthday. 

In conclusion, camping with two six months old is totally doable. The fresh air tires them out and they are mesmerised by the floaty tent material and the sounds of animals. Can't wait until next time! 

Monday, 24 June 2013

Happy Monday people

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. 

The boys are 6 months old this week and to celebrate we are going camping! Crazy and stupid? Yeah probably.

We are staying in this: 

Hopefully it will contain us four for the night! 

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The day that changed everything

Saturday the 2nd of June was the day that changed everything forever. I was 9 weeks pregnant and about to have my first scan (which we had to pay for) to see what was going on in my belly. 

Usually you have the first scan at 12 weeks, however I had a "feeling" that I needed t see what was going on in there sooner. I don't know what it was but I knew that something wasn't normal. What ever it was I needed to know now so I could deal with it. Good or bad.

In the waiting room, which was a lot more like someone's sitting room the a ultrasound clinic, we waited for about 40 minutes (after my allotted time)  with a bladder full to bursting. 

After seeing a string of people go in and out of the sonogrophers room with smiles and sounds of 'its a boy' or 'we're having a girl' it was our turn. 

The room was dimly lit and had a lovely chaise for the mummies to be to lie on with a flat screen tv in front see what was now inhabiting our bodies.

The jelly went on - yes it's always cold. The wand was waved over my belly which didn't help the full bladder situation. On the screen appeared a gray and black fuzzy picture. Now, previous to this scan I had been googling scans for months, I knew what they should look like. However this one looked a bit more "inhabited" then the usual single baby. 

"Congratulations - you're having twins" 

There on the screen were two little bundles of cells that somehow we had managed to create. It was from this moment that we knew we would care for these little bundles for the rest of our lives. No matter what happened from now on these children are our priority and by some miracle, we had two at the same time. This made the pregnancy different to other ones. There would be more risks, more tests and more medical attention. The potential hazards were high. But we accepted our challenge and were ready to start our incredible journey as parents of twins!

Monday, 17 June 2013

Happy Monday to you

Well today started with both mark and I being up at 5am and 6am to feed the boys. Currently they are waking up around those time then will go back to sleep. 

About a month ago they were only waking up once at 3am then going back to sleep till 7.30 which was bearable. That was when they shared a cot.

Now they are in their own room and I don't think it's being apart that keeps them up. I need to figure out what it is. Teething, reflux, wind? Who knows what's going on in their little bodies.

Anyway, mark has been off work sick this morning after some dodgy Chinese takeaway from Saturday night so it was lovely to have him home this morning. I took the boys to a music class this morning and mark stayed in bed recovering - bless. Luckily he is a bit better now and has gone on a course for the afternoon. So right now I'm sitting with a cup of tea while the boys sleep in their car seats. 

Gimme just another half an hour and all will be well. X

Thursday, 13 June 2013

My beautiful little monkeys

In their fab pushchair!
Sams cheeky smile!
Fin in my favourite top!

Sleep for 6 month olds

So my question is - how do you get two babies to sleep at the same time? Whether it be for naps or their night time sleep. This has been baffling me and Mark for . . . . . Oh about 6 months! 

Well to be honest isn't not as bad as it seems. In the day time it's easy enough to take them out in th buggy and they will normally nap there. If they stay asleep when you walk back in the house then happy days. If not, you may have one awake and one asleep which means an afternoon of non stop parenting for mum!
I would as that the day is more predictable than night. In the day I know that after being awake for about 2 hours, they start to get cranky wand it's time to get too sleep. Currently at night, after a walk at 7.30 ( yes we put out kids to be when we go to bed because it suits us) they are less predictable and we can have upto an hour of fussiness before quietness descends on us. Maybe we are putting them to bed too late. Overtired? Probably. We need to work out a schedule!

Watch out boys - mums got a plan afoot!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Samuel & Finley

My boys born on 27th December 2012. They make every day worth getting up for (even if is it as 2am, 4am and 6 am!)