Thursday, 4 December 2014

According to the experts.

Okay, let's get real here. For any of you reading this who have been pregnant and had kids, I'm sure you would have all done your fair share of homework before your kids were born.  You read the baby books, googled EVERYTHING and make plans for your little perfect bundle so they remain healthy and fed and happy and content. You start coming out with "well Gina says" and "According to Tracy Hogg". However . . . When the sleep deprevation kicks in, how many of you can honestly say you did everything by the book???? Let's take a look.

Experts say: always prepare your milk freshly each time the baby needs it.
What you did: Baby wakes up screaming for milk, you cannot for the life you be bothered to go downstairs to make a fresh one so you find a bottle that has the dregs in from the last feed an give them that! Crossing fingers they don't get tummy bugs later and don't scream for more.

Experts say: sterilize dummies that have dropped on the floor before giving back your baby.
What you did: picked up dummy, sucked it, whacked it back in babies mouth.

Experts say: change your childrens bed linen at least once a week. 
What you did: changed it when it really started to smell of wee and milk and it is no longer white.

Experts say: keep your baby from putting dirty objects in their mouths when in the exploration stage.
What you did: as long as it's not cat poo, go for it. Build that immune system!

Experts say: do not let your children eat food that's fallen on the floor. 
What you did: as long as it didn't land it cat poo, go for it! It's a 2 hour rule in this house. (I'm sure there's been times when the 2 week rule came out too!)

Experts say: don't let your kids have too much tv time. Limit it per day.
What you did: let your kids have Cbeebies on when ever they scream for it, when you need a wee, when you need to check Facebook or emails, when you want a cup of tea or when you just want some freakin peace!

Experts say: sterilize babies bottles each time before making up a feed.
What you did: forgot to sterilise bottles, swilled a dirty one under the tap and hoped for the best.

Experts say: teach your baby to learn to fall asleep on their own from an early age.
What you did: sang twinkle twinkle over and over whilst walking round the room, rocking baby, patting baby, and swaying from side to side in an attempt to get your precious baby to fall asleep. Then once certain they must be out cold, attempt to make "the transfer". Tip toe out of the room, feel pleased with your self you can go and watch eastenders then put one foot on the stairs . . . . And no! Babies' awake again (they must have built in movement sensors) then repeat above as needed.

Experts say: sleep when the baby sleeps.
What you did: Facebook, Twitter and catfish the TV show.

With all the above doubled, it's a wonder how I'm still fairly sane. I'm amazing that the boys are still thriving little things. But, in the words of a highly popular right now and starting-to-get-a-little-annoying, completely overdone and parodied song . . . . . . Let It Go fellow mammas, Let It Go!! X

Monday, 10 November 2014

We've been busy

Here's a few pictures of what we've been up to this week. Fireworks, making things and helping washing up!

Watching fireworks.

Making Raa Raa from cuts outs with daddy.

Admiring his work.

Wearing Papas glasses.

Looking good!

I'm ready to go!


Totally pulling off shorts and tights!

Drinking Mamas green smoothies!

Dancing with scarfs.

Child labour!

Making friends.

Playing together.


Saturday, 1 November 2014

Happy Halloween

I love doing pumpkins every year. Even more so this years as the boys can get a little bit interested in what's going on. They were not too impressed with the tick or treaters knocking on the door and me giving them sweets and not to them though. But next year they will understand a lot better and I plan to go all out!

Here's our Halloween pumpkin adventures this year . . . . .

 Tap tap


 Getting stuck in.

 Pulling out seeds

 Just checking I can eat it!

 Playing the drums.

 Thats a funny one!

 Baby pumpkin.

 Weighing it up

 Pushing the cart.

 Taking them home.

 Lighting up the lanterns.


Having a peek inside.

 Happy Halloween.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Things I said I'd never do . . . . . But did!

Before the boys were born, I had a very idealistic way of how they would be raised. I had things that I said I would never ever do and things that I said I would do with/for them, however . . . . nearly two years later I can honestly say I've failed. And do I care about it? Not really. What ever I have done along the way has worked out just fine for us all.  So here's the list!

1. Napping in their cot.
From the age of 0 to about 14 months, the boys slept in their pushchair. This was the easiest way to get them to sleep at the same time and be in a place where I can see them. When they got a big bigger, we moved them into their cot to sleep and honestly we should have done it sooner. But it worked at the time.

2. Making noise so they get used to it when in bed.
Whilst the boys sept in their pushchair for the a long time for their naps, I used to play white noise for them. This would have been something like a hoover or hairdryer noise that would be constantly on play. If I turned it off, they would wake up! Magic hey! When they changed to their cots to sleep, the was turned off They nap really well now. At night however, with Fin being such a terrible sleeper, I was like a cat when I hear the slightest of noise. My ears would prick up when Mark made a drink, the tap sounded like a waterfall and the creaking on the stairs sounded like the earth had opened up. God forbid if we have to flush the loo. Im learning to be more tolerant of every daynoises, but when you have had the lack of sleep that we have had, you would do anything for your sweet little 'angels' to give you a good nights sleep!

3. Not eating chocolate or junk food.
If it keeps them quiet for a little while, why not? 

4. Not even knowing what a McDonalds is. I think the boys have probably been ten times in their lives. I think that's ok!

5. Sleeping training.
I wanted these children to be happy contented sleepers. Having been taught the skills to self soothe and be weaned off milk in the night so we have no night wakings. Lets just say . . . Been there, tried that, didn't work! 

6. Sleep training at 6 months. 
Umm see above!

7. Sleep training at 12 months.
Not quite happening!

8. Sleep training at 18 months.
Getting there but the stubborn little monsters still think we are their night slaves! 

9. Sleep training at 2 years. Back teeth and colds make an appearance so out of the window that goes! 

10. Not watching TV. 
See number 3! Let's just say when ever they see a tv, they ask for beebies and raa raa! Bugger. 

However everyone is allowed a little indulgence right? The boys are happy, cheerful little boys who are confident and not shy. They will eventually sleep better. They will have more concentration to play with puzzles and read. They love apples, bananas, grapes, blueberries, peas and broccoli so a bit of chocolate when they are being good will do no harm. Everything in moderation! X

I think they turned out pretty normal! 

Thursday, 11 September 2014

September so far

Well it's been a busy few weeks again with the boys. They are just over 20 months old, so here's an update on their progress:

They are being fairly consistent with their sleep - apart from right this minute! (Currently 21.30 and Sammy is wide awake saying "bubble, bubble, POP!" over and over which is keeping Fin up!)

Their speech is really coming along. I had a chat with a speech therapist the other day who said the are totally on track! Parenting win! They have about 20 words in total but can understand a lot more which is mildly concerning (*mental note - curb the swearing). They are great at animal noises and will try and repeat a lot of words if you ask them to. There's a lot that I would understand that other people wouldn't which Is just the result of being with them all day. Stuff like "burr" for bus and " meeeaaaaa" for meow. But anyway I'm not at all concerned. 

Here's a few pics of what we've been up to. 

As you can see, Fin still loves his donkey and Sam still has a dummy and a cloth. I'm not to worried about the donkey and cloth as they will grow out of them in their own time. May have to arrange a call to the dummy fairy soon though soon. 

They are great being out on their reins - although I still wouldn't brave a supermarket yet without some sort of restraining device! 

So we pretty much have one activity to do each day. Whether it's a play group or childrens centre visit or seeing my mum. Ooh which brings us onto some exciting news. First night without the boys on Saturday!!! For a whole night!! Hurrah!!! Well, we will see. We are at a wedding so Nana and Papa have bravely stepped up to challenge of having these two ferrel animals for a whole night. They will either be little angels or utter monsters but we will check in at 9.30 and see how it goes. Judging by Sammy's vocal performance this evening though - I don't think it will be an early night! 

Will update after the event! 

Ah what bliss! It is quiet at last! Night all! 

Btw, this is a nap picture from the other day after I attempted a fringe cut - can u tell? X