Thursday, 15 May 2014

First haircuts

It's been long overdue but the boys had their first haircuts about a month ago. I took them on my own to a place in Stratford that specialize in childrens haircuts. 

Being the first time, I wasn't sure how they would cope given that they are not the most patience of kids! 

So it started like this. . . . . . 

Playing in the cars.

This place is really great in that they play DVDs and sit them in scars whilst they get it done. A brilliant distraction technique. Fin was first.

He did really really well. He was more confused about what this strange lady as doing to his head!

Sammy was up next.

Finny watching Sam. 

In the end they both did great and they both looked like proper little boys afterwards. They got a certificate with a lock of their hair for their first haircut. 

A very proud mummy x

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

What can we do today?

Since the boys no longer go to nursery due to no hours available at work, I have been slightly concerned about what I can do with the boys 5 full days a week. Currently we go to twins club on a Tuesday morning, but apart from that, we have no planned activities.

Now they no longer need to get their nap in the morning before nursery, I have also been transitioning them to an after lunch nap. This helps them re charge and not be too tired come bed time, allowing them (hopefully) to get to sleep better and not be so worked up. 

So, what activities can I do with them that 1: gets them playing with other children and socialising and 2: gives them chances to explore and experience different things and 3: can be done either in the morning or afternoon nice they have had a sleep. 

This is what we have done so far this week. . . . . 


Baked biscuits!

Painted a picture and got very messy.

Make a quiche - ok I did this on my own, BUT it was when I had got the boys to nap in their cots rather than their pushchair for the first time ever! 

They have always slept well in their pushchair but it limits me to being either in the kitchen or upstairs. I am hoping that getting them to nap in their cot will help with sleeping through at night time. I hope they learn that 'sleep happens in the cot'. We will see. 

As predicted, Fin was the most resisitent to the change, crying for about 30 minutes, then stopping to chew on his donkey whilst falling asleep sitting up - so I knew he was tired! Sammy just jumped about and sang to himself before finally giving up after 40 minutes. Day 1 - nap in the cot SUCCESS!

We have also been to visit the library which has a lovely childrens area with little seats and tables so honey can look at the books and have a bit of a play. 

We met a friend at the local childrens centre where there have a stay and play session and the childrens can have free reign of the lovely garden and all the toys there. After that we all had lunch on a bench in town in the sun. 

So what's in store for tomorrow? Not sure yet. It's a shame I can't take them swimming on my own as I think I would do that quite often if I could.  It's supposed to be sunny so the world is our oyster! X

Thursday, 8 May 2014

The week we got sick

 So last week, mark was in Hong Kong with work. I was kind of looking forward to looking after the boys alone for the week as I had never actually put them to bed on my own before after a whole 16 months!

I know it's not like the most difficult thing in the world, but 24/7 for a week looked a little scary. Anyway, the week started brilliantly with the boys going to bed really well and only waking at 5am for some milk then back to sleep till 8.30am - this NEVER happens. I was on a roll - I thought!

Books at bedtime. My favourite time of the day. 

Wednesday night things started to fall apart a little with a really unsettled night where I was up lots with both of them. Thursday morning, I was greeted with (warning TMI) a bed of sick. Ok, I thought, I can deal with this. But that's when the rest happened. To cut it short, both boys had sickness and diarrhea bugs. All day. Nothing would stay in and I must have gone through about 20 nappies and numerous sets of PJ's, After it going so we'll, they had to get a bug this week. To make it worse, my mum had cooked a roast dinner for us for that night which sadly we had a to decline due to our quarantine. 

Thursday night things got a bit better with the boys sleeping kind of ok and no nappy changes thank god till the morning. I think it was the blue powerade and rich tea biscuits that was the cure. I was prepaid though for all eventualities with spare pajamas, vests, water proof sheets on the cots and a whole military style changing station at the ready. Luckily, I didn't need it. 

A very sad Fin. 

Friday things seemed calmer and we managed to get out the house, things were still not quite right though with Fin developing a rash and still not much appetite and both of them being generally miserable so it was a trip to the doctors which concluded the bane of toddlers lives, the virus. Some mythical medical condition which seems to always explain away any minor fevers or rashes!

I think it took about 4 days in the end for them to seem a bit brighter. It's amazing how much you notice the difference when they are well to when they are sick. I have learnt to appreciate the well days. 

When mark came home he was so tired and a bit off too. And guess what - he caught the bug. Whether it was from Hong Kong, the plane or the boys we are not sure but he still is a bit bad. 

So here I have been, surrounded in sickeness for nearly a week. Oh, now by the way the boys have teeth coming through so even though they are no longer sick, they are dribbly and miserable. Let's hope next week is 100% healthy for us all.

This is the mischief they get up to when they are not poorly! X