Ok I go through lots of phases of writing a few blogs in one go then not doing one for ages. This is one of those 'ages' moments.
Loads has happened recently. Most importantly the walking thing . . . . . at last. It seemed like other kids were going to university and getting degrees whilst mine were still crawling around barely taking steps alone. But hurrah, it's happened. Fin was first and a few weeks later Sammy was right behind him. Now they never craw unless they are really tired. I have taken them out to town on my own without the pushchair but did have them attached to leads - ahem, I mean toddler reins. It probably took 20 mins to do a 2 minute stretch of path, but we were in no hurry and there were lots of kerbs, posts and very interesting things to look at and climb on.
So this is the month of June (and the first few days of July) in pictures. Apologies for the different filters and borders.
Walking though the woods.
Reins day 1.
Duck feeding.
Finley James.
Sammy eating out on 18 month birthday.
First real smoothies. Before the mess!
A proper run outside.
Cornflakes and popcorn everywhere. Note: do not leave cornflakes in the cupboard they can open.
Fresh strawberries.
Exploring trees.
More woodland exploring.
A quick snooze with donkey.
Bread stealing at BBQs.
Weird bouncy reindeer cow things.
Train rides.
Sammy and me.
Coloured pasta.
Making friends.
And finally this was today, running ahead down the path. Just what boys should be doing. Sammy in the front has his stick.
This has basically been everything in the past month that we have gotten up to. It's hard thinking what to do everyday with the boys but actually, looking back at these pictures makes me feel like they have done loads. Next time, I want to make a list of what I want to do with them in the coming months.
Let's see what else they can experience in their little lives. X